The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) says that 702,246 SIM cards remain unregistered and face disconnection after Sunday’s March 31st deadline.
According to CRAN’s Chief Executive Officer, Emilia Nghikembua, despite significant efforts, only 70.6% of Namibia’s 2,387,230 active SIM cards have been successfully registered as of February 29, 2024.
“I would like to thank our stakeholders who have registered their SIM cards. For those that are still waiting to register their SIM cards, it is imperative to emphasize the repercussions of non-compliance should they not do so by March 31, 2024,” she said.
The CRAN CEO warned that failure to register by the deadline will result in the suspension of affected SIM cards for a period of three months, starting April 1, 2024.
During the suspension period, users will experience disruptions in service and will receive warning notifications. Moreover, those who fail to register within this timeframe risk permanent loss of their associated phone numbers.
“As it stands, all mobile telecommunications operators are fully equipped and prepared to implement these suspension measures effectively, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements,” CRAN said.
CRAN also reiterated the directive from the Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology, Emma Theofelus, that there will be no further extensions beyond March 31st.
The SIM card registration is a national initiative aimed at facilitating the investigation of crimes committed with the aid of mobile devices.