On 21st March 2015, Hage Gottfried Geingob swore to “protect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the material and spiritual resources of the Republic of Namibia”.
Consider then the contribution of Hage Geingob in the protection of the same, as President of the nation and specifically in his role as The Chief Brand Custodian.
A brand ambassador is a crucial representative who embodies and articulates the values, image, and narrative of a particular entity. In the context of a nation, a brand ambassador plays a pivotal role in shaping and enhancing its international image.
President Hage Gottfried Geingob, during his tenure as the President of the Republic of Namibia, and even before his presidency, emerged as a renowned brand ambassador for Namibia. This tribute seeks to highlight his impact he had on Brand Namibia, the role as a chief communicator and his national calls to action.
President Hage Geingob as a Brand Ambassador
Hage Geingob served as the third president of Namibia from 2015 until his death in February 2024. A very public persona, Geingob enjoyed excellent brand recall and recognition among audiences far and wide. The first Prime Minister of Namibia 1990 to 2002 and again from 2012 to 2015, he often was acclaimed for his masterful administrative abilities.
Similarly, as President, he was a tireless advocate for inclusivity, coined a series of phrases such as “Yours truly”, “no one should feel left out” and the ubiquitous “Omake” applause.
Geingob, soon after taking office as Head of State articulated his vision of what Namibia should achieve as a nation through the Harambee Prosperity Plan I & II framework. These plans placed focus on what became his key mantra “robust and effective processes, systems and institutions”. This principle that institutions are more significant than personalities, enforced the bedrock of governance.
The presence of a strong governance framework is attractive, not only to investors. It is an imperative for nation building too, because it aligns the interests of everyone – or at the very least, it is supposed to. It is a matter of fact that Namibia today is more attractive as an investment destination than we used to be, previously. According to the Investment Safety Rankings, Namibia is the 5th safest country in Africa and 74th in the world. This achievement is one which is due to President Geingob in part, and to Namibians as a whole.
Articulating the Narrative
President Geingob was a consummate communicator and a compassionate leader. He conducted numerous conversations on with and on behalf of Namibia. He also attempted to create a sense of belonging for all Namibians, often citing that “No Namibian must feel left out.”
He would engage with people organically as he took walks on the beach, attend sporting activities at the stadiums as well as host people from all walks of life. As President, he regularly hosted press conferences where sometimes his vulnerability was on show . But, he kept his promise that Namibia will always ensure that the press will enjoy its freedom whether it was comfortable for him or not. He was quoted as saying, “As long as I am given the mandate to lead this great country, the freedom of the press is guaranteed”.
There is a definitive allure about a person such as President Geingob who can commit to a cause, greater than himself even to his own detriment. In a way, that’s what the Hage Geingob model of leadership must have looked like.
Geingob extensively used platforms such as radio, television, and newspapers. He also made effective use of social media to inform, educate, and inspire the public, often engaging with his Twitter followers in a cheeky manner. Additionally, he was accessible and responsive, frequently holding town hall meetings, press conferences, and public consultations to directly interact with the public.
Geingob’s legacy will include his ability to build a network, sometimes resulting in a level of discomfort among his comrades. Remember the appointment of the Nudo-party President as Deputy Minister.
In a vivid expression of the Namibian foreign policy which is friendly to all and an enemy to none, President Geingob maintained good relations with the international community. He actively participated on various fora and platforms, such as the African Union (AU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Commonwealth, and the United Nations (UN).
Advocating for the interests of Namibia and Africa, Geingob supported the cause for peace, security, and development in the world. He also sought to learn from and cooperate with other countries. For example, in his speech at the 6th World Government Summit in Dubai in 2018, he said: “We are here to share our experiences and best practices, and to learn from each other. We are here to forge partnerships and collaborations that will enable us to address the common challenges that we face as humanity. We are here to embrace the opportunities and possibilities that the future holds for us. We are here to shape a better tomorrow for ourselves and for generations to come.”
Enhancing Namibia’s Image Internationally
Geingob played a significant role in enhancing Namibia’s image on the international stage. He was a charismatic man attuned to geopolitics and international relations. He has been credited with thrusting Namibia onto the global stage, leveraging international platforms to expound Namibia’s position on global conflicts.
President Hage Geingob’s brand ambassadorship significantly enhanced Namibia’s image globally, reinforcing its identity as a nation of resilience, unity, and progress. His effectiveness was profound, leaving an indelible mark on Namibia’s brand legacy. His legacy will continue to transcend generations.
* * Hilda Basson Namundjebo is a seasoned broadcast journalist, entrepreneur and television host. Founder of the national brand and organisation Team Namibia, Hilda believes her purpose is to impact the world with kindness, one engagement at a time.