The Prime Minister, Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has appointed new Executive Directors to lead the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, and the National Planning Commission, effective 1 November 2024.
George Simataa, Secretary to the Cabinet, said the appointments were made upon the recommendation of the Public Service Commission and come under the provisions of the Public Service Act of 1995.
Ndiitah Nghipondoka-Robiati has been appointed as the Executive Director of the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare.
She is currently serving as Deputy Executive Director at the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade since 2019 and brings extensive leadership experience from both the public and private sectors.
“She served as acting Executive Director at the Ministry of Public Enterprises for one year in 2022. Ms. Nghipondoka-Robiati holds a Master’s degree in International Trade and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics. Before her appointment as DED, she served as Chief Executive Officer for the Namibia Trade Forum (NTF),” said Simataa.
Nghipondoka-Robiati’s five-year term will commence on 1 November 2024.
Tuyakula Haipinge has been appointed as Executive Director for the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation.
With over 18 years of management experience, Haipinge currently serves as Deputy Executive Director in the Office of the Prime Minister, overseeing human resources and performance management within the Public Service.
“She has over eighteen years of management experience. As DED, she is tasked with overseeing the Public Service’s HR function and performance management at the policy and planning level,” Simataa said.
Haipinge’s appointment will be for a term of four years and eleven months.
Meanwhile, Michael Humavindu has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the National Planning Commission.
Humavindu, who holds a Doctorate in Economics, is currently the Deputy Executive Director of Industrial Development at the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade.
His experience spans both the public and private sectors, including roles at the Development Bank of Namibia and the Namibian Competition Commission.
“Prior to his current position, he served in senior management roles across both sectors, including as Manager of Research at DBN and Director of Economics and Sector Research at the Namibian Competition Commission,” Simataa highlighted.
His five-year term will also begin on 1 November 2024.