The government has allocated N$88 million in its budget to complete phase II of the Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (LWDC) project.
Phase II of the project focuses on renovating and upgrading Lüderitz’s Old Power Station.
The project, which began in 2008 following Cabinet approval, was set for completion in 2014, but could not be realised due to financial constraints. The project is estimated to cost about N$400 million upon completion.
The allocation is in the N$100.1-billion national budget tabled by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipumbu Shiimi.
Speaking to The Brief, LWDC Chief Executive Officer Fluksman Samuehl, highlighted that construction is well underway, with most major construction (wet works) completed. However, he emphasised that some finishing touches are still required in certain areas.
“It should be noted that the second phase of the Lüderitz Waterfront Development relates to the major transformation of the Lüderitz Old Power Station into an attractive waterfront space for all to enjoy. This flagship project consists of a wide range of facility offerings, facilitating smart city initiatives,” he said.
So far, the CEO said they have successfully completed the sea view gym and the state-of-the-art conference facilities to position the harbour town of Lüderitz as a business, education, culture and sports destination.
“We therefore welcome the allocation from our government, we appreciate the support we continue to receive from our government so that we implement strategic infrastructure development which is critical for facilitating private sector participation including SME development in the Lüderitz economy,” said Samuehl.
“Under the circumstances and taking into account the growing needs of the nation and the balancing act the government has to make, it is sufficient and our priorities are clear in view of doing more with little.”
Part of the phase II development includes the NUST Lüderitz Campus, which is also nearing completion.
“We are now focusing on the logical completion of the Namibia Maritime Museum, which is a must visit destination for all visitors. Apart from the old power station project, the Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company shall soon roll out projects that include a beachfront hotel, private hospital, sea view apartments, offices and tourist-focused retail outlets,” stated Samuehl.
The first phase of the project included Harbour Square, shops, restaurants, offices and flats. The purpose of Phase I was to lay the foundation for further development of the project and approximately N$35 million was spent on infrastructure, public facilities and various structures.