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Navigating the key drivers of organisational change

The importance of effective change management cannot be overstated in today's rapidly evolving business environment.

A prime example of this is Kodak, a former market leader in photography that ultimately fell behind due to a failure to adapt to changing market conditions.

Despite inventing digital photography technology, Kodak failed to embrace emerging trends, clinging to its traditional film-based business model.

As a result, Kodak lost its competitive edge and ultimately filed for bankruptcy in 2012. This case highlights the critical importance of managing change effectively, particularly in the face of technological advancements, economic conditions, industry trends, and leadership or organisational structure changes.

Here, we explore these critical drivers of change in more detail and demonstrate how the change management methodology can help organisations successfully navigate and adapt to these challenges. 

Technological Advancements

 Technological advancements have a profound impact on the way organisations operate. New technologies can revolutionize production processes, create new products and services, and disrupt traditional business models. Organisations that embrace technology can gain a significant competitive advantage, but those that resist change risk falling behind.

 The rise of the internet, e-commerce and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have revolutionized how businesses operate, enabling them to reach customers in new ways and expand their markets.

The emergence of cloud computing has also transformed how organisations store and access data, enabling greater collaboration and efficiency. To manage technological change effectively, organisations must stay abreast of emerging technologies and invest in the necessary infrastructure, training, and support to adopt them.

Economic Conditions

Economic conditions can contribute significantly as a driver of change in organisations. Economic downturns can force organisations to cut costs, downsize, or restructure, while economic growth can create new opportunities for expansion and investment. As we have witnessed, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many organisations had to adapt quickly to survive.

Some shifted to remote work, while others pivoted their business models to meet new demands, such as manufacturing personal protective equipment (PPE) or offering virtual services. Organisations must be agile and responsive and be prepared to make difficult decisions to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances to manage economic change effectively.

Industry Trends

Changes in consumer preferences, new entrants to the market, or regulatory changes can all significantly impact how organisations operate. The rise of the sharing economy has disrupted traditional business models in industries such as transportation and hospitality.

The increasing importance of sustainability and environmental concerns has also led many organisations to rethink their supply chains and product offerings. Organisations must stay attuned to emerging trends and be prepared to adapt their strategies and operations accordingly to manage industry change effectively,

Changes in Leadership or Organisational Structure

Leadership or organisational structure changes can also drive significant change. New leaders may bring new ideas and approaches, while organisational restructuring can create new roles and responsibilities.

A new CEO may bring a new vision and change the organisational culture or strategy. A merger or acquisition may require significant restructuring with new departments, teams, or reporting structures. To effectively manage leadership or organisational structure changes, organisations must communicate clearly and transparently with employees and stakeholders and provide support and training to those the changes may impact.

In conclusion, in today's dynamic business environment, organisations must be prepared to adapt to the key drivers of change, including technological advancements, economic conditions, industry trends, and leadership or organisational structure changes. Change management is essential to ensure organisations can successfully navigate these changes and remain competitive.

Organisations can effectively manage change, minimize disruption, and capitalize on new opportunities using best practices. Organisations can survive and thrive in today's fast-paced business environment by embracing change and staying attuned to emerging trends.

Paulina Mbango is a PROSCI-certified change practitioner and communications specialist with experience in the financial services, mining, and governance sectors. Write to her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or learn more at



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Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 17:51

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