Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation (NamibRe) Managing Director Patty Karuaihe-Martin has joined the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Leadership Council.
Chaired by United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme Inger Andersen, the UNEP FI Leadership Council meets annually to provide vision and strategic direction to the UNEP FI in orienting its role and that of the UN, in shaping, mainstreaming and deepening sustainability integration across the industry.
It is designed to further mobilise the financial community to support a sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economy.
The Leadership Council brings together CEOs and Chairpersons of banks and insurers currently represented on one of the three elected UNEP FI governance bodies; the Global Steering Committee, the board of the Principles for Responsible Banking or the board of the Principles for Sustainable Insurance.